Monday, January 12, 2009


Things are running through my head~ Shiat~

It's a die die situation where if you do (A) you die or you chose (B) you die. So if you were me, what would you do? Just keep quiet and let things be as usual to avoid chaos to happen. Ah.. why is it so difficult..? I wonder..

p/s: I want..


Anonymous said...

if i were you, i would choose the situation that might yield a desired result so that i die willingly.. XD

Jo Wai said...

But you might lose what you don't have the courage to lose.

Anonymous said...

but you said both situation also will die?

Jo Wai said...

Yeap, so the only way which doesn't exist in the options. Keep it to myself.

Anonymous said...

true... it depeneds on wat u wan.. if u really have the confident.. go for it wit my blessings.. If not.. think no more you shall.. XD

Jo Wai said...

Thanks, appreciate it alot. Hope everything goes well~