Wednesday, December 30, 2009

More MLIA fuck. Im addicted.

Today, while doing laundry I came across a dilemma. I did not know whether to sort my zebra bra into the whites or the blacks. MLIA.

Today, I cleaned my sliding doors with windex and they looked great! Later on my annoying younger sister was playing tag with her friends and while looking straight at the doors she ran into them, thinking they were open. Thank you windex. MLIA

Today, I ordered a pizza online from Pizza Hut. For future references it wanted you to label the destination as home or work. I labeled mine as The Bat Cave. I got a call thirty minutes later with one of the delivery drivers saying, "Batman sir we have you're pizza and it's on the way." Greatest delivery service..ever. MLIA

Today my father and i went to the mall for some "bonding time." We decided to pull a prank on the mall Santa so he hid behind a tree that was there for decoration and i sat on Santa's lap (im a 16 year old male). When he asked me what i wanted for christmas i started to tear up and told him (with my best acting) that i wanted to see my daddy again. My dad leaped from behind the tree and screamed my name. We embraced crying. Santas face made my day. MLIA.


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